Sushi Wall Clock is Absolutely Yummy!

For avid eaters, the name is enough to describe what a lip-smacking delicacy Sushi, and now, with the introduction of the sushi clock, even the geeks would be able to recognize themselves with the traditional Japanese dish.

sushi combination clock

Made to up to the mark with high quality plastic and painted artistically to give a realistic view, this piece of ingenuity will surely make your mouth water. With salmon, prawns and other sushi ingredients as time marking, this gizmo can be as amusing as it can get. Imagine your friend asking you the movie timings and you replying with an absurd “half past salmon”. The wooden chopsticks that been used as hands of the clock give it an authentic feel, and don’t fail to impress.


sushi combination wall clock

This 21 cm diameter gizmo is available for a price tag of $296 at Japan Trend Shop. Although, the manual provided with it is in Japanese, I guess it won’t be a task for us to browse the net for an English version, right? Sushi fans will simply adore the ease that the Sushi Rolls gadget provides while making sushi at home. And bedroom décor will have a foodie tinge with the sushi pillow designs. Just a note of caution: don’t take a look at this if you are feeling hungry.

Via: 7Gadgets