iPhone Playing Cards for the Gambling Geeks

Las Vegas and the iPhone now have something in common, as apparently the guys over at the casinos at Vegas decided to introduce a new deck of playing cards that exactly resembles the iPhone. This new set of cards sure did attract the attention of many geeks from around the world and it seems that the Sin City is overflowing with geeks.cool iphone playing cards

These cards sell for $25 per deck and could run out of stock pretty soon. The cards, like any other geek gadget are made to last a life time as they are made from a washable and re-usable PVC plastic. The cards are made to resemble the iPhone, as  the card reads onto the iPhone screen while the backside looks like the rear of an iPhone, giving off an illusion of the cool new craze. You can also check out the cool new iPhone USB Flash drive or the iPhone Paper Clips to satisfy your huger for the ultimate iPhone merchandise.

new iphone playing cards


Anyway this cool iPhone gadget tries to make our lives a little more enjoyable and fun, and guess what? even Bill Gates can’t resist himself from such stuff either, so why should we?. So get out there and see if you can win some big bucks.new iphone design deck of cards

Meninos via: The Awsomer