Skull Gaming PC Mod is Out of this World

skull shaped computer pc mod

Of all the computer case mods I have come across, the Skull PC case by Argonart must be one of the best till date and looks absolutely amazing, as the case is shaped like a skull with the mouth cavity doubling up as the DVD slot. The hollowed eyes gleam in a sort of unearthly manner by going all red, and if you are the kind of person who likes your gaming PC to be totally kick ass, then the Skull PC is just for you.

Argonart is a Midlands based company and you could get the whole PC customized according to your gaming needs. With a PC that looks as cool as this, you would obviously choose a co0nfiguration that is equally kick ass and cool.


The skull case would cost about £2000 and it is made of high grade aluminum alloy. Being handmade, you can expect each of the skull cases to be unique in their own way, and that actually adds to the whole charm of having a customized gaming PC. It would be just amazing to play one of those zombie games on this Skull PC as that would set the right mood and also the right atmosphere for something that is as scary as that.

We have covered many other computer cases which are quite cool too. If you are into vintage stuff, then you really should be checking out the Volkswagen Beetle Computer Mod. The Edelweisss Case Mod is just right for those who are into kitsch and surrealism.

Via: Tech Digest