Fan-Based Unofficial Chrome OS Unveiled

unofficial google chrome os linux

Just when we are expecting Windows 7 OS eagerly, we get to hear that a fan-made “Chrome OS” which happens to be a custom built Linux distribution, and is modeled on the official Google Chrome OS which will be released sometime in late 2010.

The fan based “Chrome OS” has Google’s snazzy browser at the center of everything and it was built using SUSE Studio, which is a distribution and virtual appliance builder. Google Chrome predictably puts all the Google apps at the forefront and thus you would have built-in webapp links to Google products such as Google Calendar, Gmail, Google Docs and interestingly, a copy of OpenOffice.


It even comes with a pre-built Flash plug in which actually makes it quite an OS to swear by. Though the official Google Chrome OS would be many times more advanced and better than the fan’s version, it gives a sneak preview about how the official Google OS might turn out to be when it is released next year.

You could use an ISO image and install the Chrome OS or try a virtual image built for VirtualBox or VMWare. The unofficial fanboy Chrome OS is a freeware and can be booted as an ISO on any system or as a virtual image. However, you might want to be a little wary before using the “Chrome OS2 as it might not be all that secure, and might not support much software and leave your system vulnerable to security hijacks.

Google Chrome OS (Linux) Via: Life Hacker