If you are looking for a helmet that will convey the ultimatum to the person in front of you or maybe just trying out something new, then these freshly baked set of helmets will surely water your mouth for more. The Spiderman and the Venom themed helmets are something that literally stand out in the crowd.
The Spiderman themed helmet is a Red or Black one with an awesome paint job done on it, you can in fact be the dark or the good Spiderman, with the black or the red and blue color schemed helmets.
If you prefer being looked on in astonishment and shock, then you should really try out the cool Venom themed helmet that will give off the impression the you are actually inside the Venom’s razor sharp set of teeth, which in fact is an artistically airbrushed visor that allows 100% visibility (talk about the advancement in technology!).
Some of the most creative helmets can be sen on the following jump, although I’m not sure whether these cool stuff are actually on sale, or maybe not. But if you still need something that is really cool and affordable then better check out the Iron Man Themed Helmet, the Boba Fett Motorcycle Helmet, and also a cool Pacman Helmet for retro gamers.
So get out on your bikes and spook the hell out of your friends.
via:[Dreams Mania]