iPhone Earrings Are The New Hip Couture

If you are out on the streets trying to hunt through the huge masses accessories that could match with your cool new and hip iPhone, then you should probably check out this cool set of earrings that completely resemble the sole navigation key on the iPhone button.

iPhone earrings

The earrings are really cool and thus they completely match with the geeky iPhone theme, as they can serve as a cool accessory for one of the most ultimate phones of all time. The iPhone earrings are themed upon the central home button of the iPhone and hence they are in a big demand, the thing the would surprise you  the most is that these earrings have become such a huge hit that they are already out of stock.


But for all those who are looking forward to having their own set of these ultra geeky and ultra cool set of earrings can then plead to lady luck to grant them one from the new set of batch that will be rolling out on November 23rd. For those of you who are still not discouraged by the fact that there is a limited stock supply then you should probably know the price you have to pay for it, which sums up to $14.95.

You can also check out the other cool and latest iPhone accessories like the cool Appstand that will really add to your phone’s aesthetics and also the iPhone Icons Fridge Magnets or Paperclip design.

via: Foolish Gadgets