Anti-Theft Collapsible Bike Wheel

Anti-Theft Collapisible Bike Wheel2

With the real downturn in our present economy system, bike theft is at the increasing level, and nowadays, you have to be much more conscious as things are not so safe as before. So, your two-wheeler is not safe just with a single wheel lock; you need something more powerful like the Anti-Theft Collapsible Bike Wheel.

Anti-Theft Collapsible Bike Wheel


It is a typical concept to protect your bike from the hands of thieves at any cost. The Anti-Theft Collapsible Bike Wheel looks like a broken wheel simply to divert the mind of the wrong doers. Once you insert the key and lock of your bike in correct position, the Anti-Theft Collapsible Bike Wheel will break the inner rim of the wheel, thus making it impossible to ride and unstable. When you put back the correct key, the wheels pop-up to its normal position.

The Anti-Theft Collapsible Bike Wheel is not just an interesting idea but has proved to be simply great. The folding or broken wheel concept is not only innovative but pretty straightforward too. Now that such a safety system is out in the market, no thief can ever cycle off with your bike at any cost. We can now look forward and expect to have all the future bikes sported with the Anti-Theft Collapsible Bike Wheel.

For other cool ways to prevent theft, check out the Anti Theft stickers or even the Fake Car Stereo.

Via: Yanko Design