Google Buzz on Mobile: Features, Ideas and the Road Ahead

No matter who you are, you can’t hide from the latest development of web industry, the launch of Google BUZZ, and as we had an introduction earlier on Google Buzz, which was pretty general in nature, now we focus on the use of Buzz on your favorite smartphone.

Discussing an app for mobile, one thing is sure, iPhone and Google android cannot lag behind anyone. Google obviously know better than us (they are the search engine first, remember!) and introduced the webapp for both the platforms parallel with the launch if its new service. Users of Nokia S60, Blackberry, WinMo and Palm got to wait but meanwhile, trying the updated Google Maps 4.0 is certainly not a bad idea.


If you’re holding iPhone or an android device in your hand, direct your browser to to start your BUZZ. No need to bother about any invitation/introduction on Gmail (mind you, on desktop you can use with gmail only when you’re introduced by Google), since the latest creation of Google is available for smartphones on the GO! (only on above mentioned devices).

Lets discuss features that you’re hands are itching to try. One by one.

Continuing from above, your browser will direct you to Google Buzz main screen if you are already signed in (otherwise you will be asked to provide your Google account) where you can see Buzz messages of your friends and other based on your location that includes what people in nearby locations are buzzing. Now that you are into the Buzz-arena, discover whats hot  around you and neighborhood Google Maps, which has also been upgraded to version 4.0 side by side.

Find friends, have a chat, discuss places, events etc with friends and that’s the social networking that you know very well. But there is more, using Google latitude service and GPS/WiFi, Google will let you pin yourself to the location. It depends on you whether you want to let somebody know your location or not.

Adding contacts does not require any exercise on your part as all your Google contacts are added automatically. While buzzing, you get to choose whether to make the message go public, or to specified group or person. Choose wisely!

Sending an update is easier than ever as iPhone and android users can speak directly into their phone, instead of typing. You just need to shout “POST BUZZ” and follow it with your message. iPhone users can speak under the search option of Google Mobile App while Android users have an upper hand as they can talk directly into the search widget of the phone.

UPDATE: An update at Mashablehas brought some exclusive features to light. Lets have a quick run up of  ‘whats different in Buzz” (we’re not covering all of them) features:

  • Snap to Location: It lets you mark yourself on the map.
  • Streams: You got two stream types. One is ‘Following’ and the other one ‘Nearby’. (Quite self explanatory, No?)
  • Buzz Maps: View a map of nearby locations by clicking ‘Buzz Map’ in neraby streams and pick a place of your interest.
  • Buzz Threads: It’s a way to mark popular items of your choice by converting the discussion into a thread featuring comments and likes.
  • Buzz Permalinks: These are links of webpages that display your Buzz and Buzz threads. It makes sharing easier.
  • Place page: Simply out, it shows the location of buzz from where it sent.

It’s reasonable to expect Buzz to give facebook and twitter a run for their money, given the head start received by it through Gmail and integration with Google Maps making it suitable for location based messaging. Highly impressed with Google (aren’t you?), save some appreciation for other services like Google Voice, Google Social Search and Google Wave.

Via Mashable.