iPhone Icon Felt Keychain for iPhone Lovers

Since the iPhone age dawned, there has been a massive increase in the production of accessories to match up with the Apple’s iPhone. Etsy seller RabbitRampage’s creation iPhone icon Felt Keychain is another cool accessory for your iPhone. These soft keychains made of felt and stuffed with fiber remind me of the Plush Sushi Dolls for their cuteness. I don’t like hard mobile phone accessories like Moshi Monster as they are more vulnerable to get smashed by either getting trampled under feet or falling down suddenly. You can hook up these felt keychains with your bags or your gadgets to make them look cool and to show off your love for iPhone.

But, before buying them do consider the fact that they are just keychains and you can not do anything else except tying them to your bags, pouches, gadgets or hanging keys in them unlike Big Lebowski Talking Keychain that plays some lines from Dude and his motley entourage or the Darth Vader and R2-D2 Key Chains that produce light and sound. But, who says that you don’t need them, you do, if you really love your iPhone, you can add up this pretty cool keychain to it and make it happy.


Hey! Don’t expect to jailbreak these icons as you may end up tearing them into pieces. Lol! The mail icon keyring shows four new mails waiting while the calendar shows 4th date and Monday, and the clock strikes seven minutes to 3’o clock. The icons are tied up with the keyrings by a sturdy ribbon strap that will save them from getting detached.

The bad thing is that there are just six icons available in the form of key chains and more killing is the fact that these are available in limited supply so I wish there could have been a bit more. These keychains measure 1.5″ x 1.5″ and are priced at $6.00 each and if you want to buy three of them altogether, you will have to pay $16.00. I guess the price won’t make a hole in your pocket, so being reasonably priced; they can be picked instantly by geeks. Pace up with the ever expanding i-Generation by adding up cool products like iStyle Originals and iPhone Earrings to your wardrobe and locking them with the keys strung in iPhone icon keychains.You may also like to keep your keychain in Safe and Cozy Egoor Pacman iPhone and iPod Pouch.

Via: iphonesavoiur