Definitely, in this decade, the most hyped and extravagant gadget is your beloved iPad. So what are the Apple fans doing to show their love and dedication to this awesome creativity? In this bizarre invention, the BreakfastNY team has come with and iPad controlled blimp, made from DIY instruct able, that responds to the touch and twists of an iPad!
It is definitely an unusual thing to make, but what kicked this project to start is the promotion of a silent auction for KidRobot Munny characters. Every one had a kid in them, however old you get. This team just portrays the same. With this cute little camera supported transport device, you just have to turn towards the blimp, and watch yourself turn into a Munny Character face. Tricky one but extremely adorable!
Well, the making of the blimp wasn’t too hard, and with the use of titanium and OpenFramework, the combination of the web codes and camera worked well. For entertainers, you could see the transformed characters into a large screen, that’s definitely winning applauds and grins from huge audiences. So that’s one more addition to the iPad maniac.
You want these memories to last, you can also take the videos of this techie gadget, I am sure this is just a piece of cake for all geeky Apple lovers’. The blimp is connected to the iPad’s accelerometer, so you can easily control all movements and actions of the blimp.
Also check out the Apple Store Diorama or iPad Bacon Case.
BreakfastNY Via: ObamaPacman