Control all your Gadgets from your iPhone with i-Got-Control Universal Remote

If you use an iPhone, you know how many things it helps you doing, apart from the basics of Calls and SMS of a normal phone. The big Apple Appstore is really entertaining and surely provides many many utility apps for your fav phone making your smart phone, really smart. Speaking of the utilities what would you say about a gadget that would make your iPhone a universal remote to control all the gadgets in your house/office straight from your phone. Really.

igotcontrol universal remote

It is very much possible if you have the i-Got-Control Universal Remote which is basically an extension for your iPhone which connects to its dock and comes with thousands of controls pre-installed into it covering a wider range of devices that you may be using in your home. Do not worry, if in case gadget at home do not have configurations already installed/available in it. You can always install the controls of your gadgets into it by following the instructions and advance your remote control function into your phone with the help of free app available for this extension in the market. It is as easy as it can get.


iphone universal remoteiphone universal remote in hand

Here is the quick browse up of the remote:

  • It turns your iPhone into a colorful touch screen (of course!) remote capable of controlling each and every electronic gadget with remote control feature
  • Free app available in the Appstore
  • Connect the adapter to your phone and go to the app to get the work done
  • Got thousands of pre-installed controls
  • You can install new controls by following the prescribed procedure (given with the adapter/app)
  • Store your configuration/controls for quick use
  • NO BATTERIES required!
  • No WiFi required!

iphone universal remote screens

Well, that makes your iPhone a remote controller, too. So this is one more step towards making the iPhone as All-In-One household gadget.

And for iPad users, there is no info available as of right now, but in any case, who would like to carry that big machine (as compared to iPhone only) for using it as a remote controller. Basically, it does not suits the iPad, No?

Moreover, you will be required to carry the adapter all the time with your phone, in order to be able to use it. If you are so interest in buying it, it will make your wallet lighter by $69.99.

We have other iPhone apps for you like the DeHood (for connecting with Neighborhood), the offical Twitter app, and in case you have broken your iPhone’s screen fix it for just $22, with this How-To.