Hasbro’s New Masterpiece is the Star Wars At-At Vehicle Toy

The Battle of Hoth in Stars Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back is one of the most memorable battle sequences in cinema history. The battle sequence has been widely appreciated for its scale, stunts, special effects, and nail biting suspense.

Set against a backdrop of the snow-white arctic world, the forces of good and evil clash as the Galactic Empire looks to destroy the Rebel Alliance’s secretive Echo Base that is located on Hoth. The Galactic Empire’s attack force consists of a fleet of AT-ATs: large, four-legged armored walkers commanded by Major General Maximillian Veers.

Thirty years after, Stars Wars V opened to critical acclaim and commercial success, Hasbro (the guys who created Transformers) has unveiled the all new Star Wars Deluxe AT-AT Vehicle (toy) at the 2010 New York Toy Fair. Our first reaction when we saw it: awesome!!


In the movie, the armored walkers were nearly indestructible and the Rebel Alliance suffered heavy casualties due to the AT-AT’s attacking force. Inspired by their size in the movie, Hasbro has created one of the biggest AT-AT toys ever made. The Deluxe AT-AT Vehicle measures more than 24 inches long and 12 inches wide. The toy can hold up to 20 Star Wars figures with the head of the toy being able to contain no less than six action figures.

If the size of the AT-AT toy impresses you, the detailing that Hasbro has put into its design will blow your mind away. The first thing you will probably notice is that Hasbro’s AT-AT looks exactly like a replica of its screen cousin. The grooves and lines on the body reflect fine workmanship; the legs of the toy are well articulated allowing you to fashion various poses with the toy.

When you flip open the head, there is transparent screen radar that would allow the captain of the AT-AT to monitor movement around the armored walker; just like in the movie. The sides of the body open up revealing a multi-level command centre of the demolition machine. There is more to this toy than just its cool bodywork. It also contains red LED lights along with sounds and phrases from the movie. What makes this Hasbro piece-of-art a must have toy is that it also contains a pop-out speeder and a 3.75 inch action figure.

The Star Wars Deluxe AT-AT Vehicle is set to hit the markets on August 1 at the rate of $108.99. We are predicting a complete sell-out.

You can also go through Robotic Transformers Toy and Lego Terminator Bust to know more about such interesting machine toys.