The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Coffee Mug

Want to add a punch to your simple cup of coffee every morning? Grab a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle coffee mug and get yourself charged up for the day.

The Ninja Turtles coffee mug is a stylish looking black colored mug. On one side of the mug is a colorful image of all the four turtles – Leo, Mike, Don, and Raph with their weapons ready for action. On the reverse side is the name of the team with the logo printed out in bold white font.


The mug stands 4 inches tall and is 31/4 inches in diameter. The size is perfect for a powerful cup of coffee to boost your energy as you take on the challenges of the day. High quality ceramic has been used for this coffee mug. Ceramic being a very safe material for dishes makes the mug completely safe for any kind of liquid. The mug isn’t exclusive for drinking coffee only. The choice of beverage is definitely up to you.

In today’s times, it is of great advantage to have dishes and utensils that are safe for both microwave oven and dishwasher. The Ninja Turtles mug successfully passes this test which makes it a great selection for a mug. All you need to spend is $6.99 to own one.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles first appeared in the form of a comic book way back in 1984. All four turtles were named after four eminent Renaissance leaders – Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael. Soon the turtles traveled up the popularity charts. More than two decades have gone by but their popularity remains intact. The four turtles have stepped out of the comic book and entered the world of television, cinema, and video games. Their action figures, along with all their accessories, are a favorite among children of all ages.  The turtles can also be spotted on apparels. In the world of books they don’t only come in storybooks but a whole range of activity books that can keep children busy for hours.

At frequent and regular intervals we come across new Ninja Turtle merchandise. May they be children or adults, fans of the turtle team are sure to collect them to add on to their collection. If you are among them be sure to get your piece. They also make an excellent gift item so if you know someone who would love this, then do your bit of good deed and help him/her own one.

In case, you are looking for more mug designs, also check out Facebook Mugs and World of Warcraft Dragonflights Stein Mug.