Mamemo Portable Electronic Notepad

When we were kids, we played with magic eraser boards. Where after scribbling on the fluorescent glossy board and lifting the board, whatever we wrote would disappear. And this would make us all so very sad.

Well, here is a gadget that will not let you down, revive your childhood memories, and be very useful at the same time. The company King Jim has designed a device that will help you retain all your thoughts by scribbling them on a notepad, and this time, the thoughts won’t get erased or lost, because they will be saved in the device, and can always be accessed anytime, anywhere.


There is an old saying that once a thought comes into your mind, write it down somewhere, because when it’s gone, it would be very difficult to remember. This product is particularly good for business professionals, individuals at meetings, students’ to-do lists, list of expenses, and so on. It has a capability of storing up to 99 notes at one point.

The device has been designed very simply, and is of course very easy to use. All one has to do is to use the stylus, and write whatever thought that comes to his/her mind, and save it on the device to be able to use it anytime. The Mamemo digital notepad comes in three different colors, cream, dark green, and orange, namely. The Mamemo digital notepad weighs about 130 grams, hence it’s portable and can be easily carried around in a briefcase, or the suit pocket.

Some notable things about this gadget would be: when a new battery is placed into the notepad, all the previous notes will disappear – like a reset, and notes can be saved in English and Japanese only. The screen has a resolution of 159 x 256 dots, and the size of this gadget is: 4 x 3.7 x 1.4”. All these features of the Mamemo digital notepad comes at a price of $99.

So, if you are a person who has way too many things to handle, and like to keep notes, then this is the gadget for you. It has a sleek and smart design and will certainly compliment your stylish personality.

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