Nerf-N-Strike Nite Finder

The Nerf-N-Strike Nite Finder is specifically designed for operations at night, even though they come in quite handy during the day too. This handy and compact battery operated equipment features a red dot light beam which assists greatly in targeting. You just need to live it up and start firing. The light emanating from it is effective up to fifteen feet, although it is still highly effective up to thirty five feet.

Learning a few Navy Seal style hand signals can come in handy while trying to surprise your colleagues. There are a few things you need to be cautious about while using this nerf-n-strike nite finder. It has tiny components which should be kept away from children below three years of age. Be careful not to aim this at anyone’s eyes or face. To be doubly careful and to avoid injury, use only darts designed for this product. Do not attempt to modify the dart or the dart blaster.


The feature of the Nerf-N-Strike Nite Finder is that it comes equipped with a precision red light beam which makes it possible to view targets up to fifteen feet. The pack includes three whistler darts.

The Nerf is a whole lot of fun, designed to look very colorful and attractive. Just step out into the dark night and gear up for some high precision target practice using your nerf-n-strike nite finder. Line up the red light, beam on your target of choice and fire at it. This launches darts even up to an amazing thirty five feet away. Have immense fun honing up our blasting skills, whether night or day! The blaster comes equipped with three micro darts, and colors and styles vary.

The Nerf started off as a simple toy four decades ago, as an orange foam ball. Nerf has now made its mark as a key player in action oriented performance toys. It is now a life style brand toy for both kids and adults alike. Whether it works along side notable athletes of the day, is out to sponsor the Dew Tour with the Nerf Dart Tag World Championship, or help bring a no holds barred blaster experience to the video game scenario, the Nerf brand continues to redefine and and rule the world of toys and sports.

Clients are happy about the durability of the product, hours of fun it provides, and the easy assembly of it all. This can be utilized well for group play, in the backyard, with individual children as well as older kids, and anytime in the park too. Children and parents alike are enticed by the red light that shines on the target making it so much more intriguing and fun.

The Nerf-N-Strike Nite Finder is a good gun too that can be kept as a secondary weapon for close combat and emergencies. This is great for night time play as it comes with a bright red targeting light that can be easily turned off and on. It is easily visible by day too.

Switch off your lights at home and you are ready to have a great evening of fun and thrill. Your battlefield of targets will be literally aglow with red beams of lights which project out from its bottom.

It is pretty lightweight and portable and has an easy targeting system which makes it all the more thrilling for players who enjoy a sneaker approach when playing Nerf. This is a perfect toy during sleepovers and raids , especially if you have kids in the adolescent age group. The material too is of good quality plastic and can take rough handling.

This is definitely a whole lot of fun and makes for some very ingenious and creative pranks by kids and grown ups alike. It is priced at £6.99icon.

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