Angry Birds iPhone Cases

Oh we all love the whacking and smacking Angry Birds, and, we love them more for making those evil pigs run away. But our angry little cute birdies have always been inside our iPhones although we always have wished for them to come out.


I don’t know about you all but I have always wanted these little creatures to pop out from the screen and be my real pets. Unfortunately, we don’t yet have the technology to create digital pets. But here is the good news, these birds are already out (not in real) but on your iPhone’s all new cases!

What am I talking about? Don’t worry I am not trying to be French here. What I am trying to say is that now you can get your hands on some Angry Birds iPhone cases! Last we saw some real cool Angry Birds Plush Toys and now what we have are some really amazing Angry Birds iPhone cases. Besides, as you know, these birds are quite protective against anyone touching their belongings specially the evil pigs so they can be the best protectors of your phone. Remember how badly they can beat up the pigs? Yup and those who want to steal your iPhone, these birds will treat them as evil pigs too. Whack, Whack, and finally a big Whack is all you will hear when these birds set out!

Oh and yes, those of you who are devilish and want to steal some birdie eggs, there are evil pig cases available as well as you can see in the pictures. But, hey even if you have the evil pig casing, don’t please steal the eggs or else the birdies will go wild!

Right now you get three Angry Birds iPhone cases – in red, yellow, and green. The green one is of course the evil pig one. By the way they are not on sale right now but as the sources say, they will be out soon and will be available for around £14.99. So, if you are an Angry Birds game’s fan and you keep playing that on your iPhone, why not grab these cases as well?

Check out some more iPhone stuff here: The Squirming ‘Umbilical’ iPhone Cable and The iApeel iPhone Skins.

Via: Geeky Gadgets