17 Cartoon Shows Pumpkin Carvings: South Park and Spongebob Squarepants

We have presented a number of various Pumpkin Carvings collections that provide tribute to Star Wars, Horror Movies and even many Geeky Faces, but this specific one is for two hilarious and fun Cartoon Shows: South Park and Spongebob Squarepants.
Besides the Halloween specials mentioned above, here is another one that is definite to raise a smile on your face.

Update for Halloween 2010: 200 Pumpkin Carvings

South Park

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With South Park, it is either you love them, or you love to hate them. This show pushes the boundaries on so many issues, such as Religion, Abortion, Racism, Politics, Death, Sexual Orientation and so much more. Throughout the years, the South Park gang has increased in popularity, in raw humor and also in utter vulgarity. All in all, in this section we are just going to inspect some amazing Pumpkin Carvings of the South Park show.

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Images: JessicaMae, Mark Klotz, kate sumbler, Clint Gardner

Spongebob Squarepants

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Many have witnessed the rise of Spongebob and while we may not understand why, most of us really crack up when we see it. So here are a few classic Pumpkin examples of the funny character…along with some of his friends.

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Images: Granola Goat, davisong, ptn01, jrflyboy, Mark J. O’Leary, KitschKat, rmarshall, Norbini, bryanh, backprop, mc_dudley, Elaine Ashton, buny