Control How Much Your Pet Eats Via Twitter

Not home to feed your pets, no problem! A new project enables Twitter to dispense food to pets in response to your activity on the social networking website.

While I personally am not a busy pet owner, I have friends that need to rush home during lunch break and/or right after work to ensure their pets get the nutrition they need. It can be aggravating, especially when meetings run late or there’s traffic while driving home. And then there are those who also schedule their personal life around the feeding time of their pets. For pet owners out there, I have a question to pose to you all – what if you could avoid all that and easily feed your pets by just posting a 140 character update on Twitter from just about anywhere?

A new Twitter controlled pet feeder is able to dispense food automatically in response to Twitter account activity. This project utilizes an Arduino, including an Arduino Ethernet shield to obtain the Twitter data.

You can view all the details on how to hack your pet feeder by clicking here and reading the easy-to-understand instructions, and it also comes with pictures too!

You can also watch this quick YouTube video below:

Pet owners everywhere – it may be time to check this out!

For other great reads, learn about a vending machine that trades your Tweets for tea, or, if you are an American Express holder, find out how you can save money by using Twitter.