Most Expansive Charting of Video Game Controllers Ever

With so many cakes, toys, posters and even urinals being dedicated to video game controllers, it shouldn’t come to us as a surprise that someone finally decided to print the evolution of video game controllers in order to display.

Popchartlab has released what is being touted as the most expansive charting of video game controllers ever and it comes with 119 species of video game controllers and 11 genera. The taxonomy of video game controllers spans over seven decades of gaming and includes everything from Atari to PS3 controllers. It would make for a great wall display if you are a video game fan and are old enough to remember all the controllers that ever existed.

Apart from serving the purpose of nostalgia, it is also an educational tool for young geeks who may not know all the controllers by heart, especially when their geeky dads try to put the young ones down by nagging how they only know a few controllers released in this decade. The print is signed and numbered by several artists and the present edition consists of 1000 prints. At $30, this green and eco-friendly is a total steal for video game fans. You could also take a look at the Brief Video Game History we had published earlier.