20 of The Best Star Wars Christmas Ornaments

It’s hard choosing how to decorate your Christmas tree. Considering that this is the Christmas of Star Wars, the best way to do it this year is with Star Wars Christmas Ornaments, and we’re here to help you choose the best ones.

Personalized Christmas Ornament – Luke & Leia Star Wars Ornament

Personalized Star Wars Ornaments


Personalised ornaments are quite the trendy thing during this time of year. And what’s better than having a Luke & Leia ornament, only with the names you choose? Probably nothing. You can buy it for $17.

Star Wars R2D2 Light Set

Star Wars R2D2 Light Set

If you’re having a Star Wars themed party on Christmas or even if you’re not and just like watching tiny droids light up, it should be a cool addition to your home. It cost $36.70.

Star Wars R2D2 Ornament

Star Wars R2D2 Ornament

While Luke and Leia are fine, someone who has been through this saga, from the prequels, and has made it through, is R2-D2. Just for that he deserves a place on your tree, especially with antlers, to make him look more festive. Get it for $16.95.

Boba Fett Ornament, Star Wars

Boba Fett Ornament, Star Wars

Some people want their Christmas tree to be a little bit more sinister in its look, so having Boba Fett as one of your centrepiece ornaments helps bring out that vibe. You can buy it for $10 on etsy.

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Ornament Set

Star Wars Return of the Jedi 7 pc. Ornament SetFor a more complete ‘Return of the Jedi’ look on your Christmas tree, why not go for the 7-piece pack, including Darth Vader, Luke, Slave Leia and the granddaddy of them all, Jabba? Buy them for $44.95 on Amazon.

Star Wars Episode VII

Star Wars Episode VII 6 Ct Assorted Ornament

Target are also offering an interesting collage of Star Wars ornaments, focusing on the now and not on the past, with characters and images from the Force Awakens film, which is coming out any day now. Buy it for $14.

C3PO, Star Wars Ornaments

C3PO, Star Wars Ornaments,

Back to Etsy and the more personalised looks you can have on your Christmas tree. Nothing represents naievety better than a wide-eyes C-3PO hanging from a branch. Buy him for $10.

Star Wars R2D2 Christmas Ornament

Star Wars R2D2 Christmas Ornament

And if you’re going with C-3PO, you can’t leave R2-D2 out of the picture. He costs $11.99.

BB8 Star Wars Ornaments

BB8 Christmas Ornament | Star Wars Ornaments

Buy maybe it’s time to stop hanging on to the past and move to the future with newer droids, like the BB8 who has been causing quite a commotion since appearing in the trailers for the new film. This handmade, wooden slice is quite interesting compared to other, more mundane ornaments, for its design and for its subject. Buy it for $6.

Personalized Christmas Ornament – Star Wars Darth Vader

Personalized Star Wars Christmas Ornament Darth Vader

This holiday season, it’s all about Star Wars in the lives of the franchise’s fans. So if you’re worried about how to decorate your tree and want to go with something a little different this year, the Darth Vader tree ornament is perfect for you. You can buy it for $9, or other awesome personalized Star Wars tree ornaments.

Vader AT-AT Inspired Acrylic Snowflake

Vader AT-AT Inspired Acrylic Snowflake

For a more trippy kind of ornament (don’t tell me Vader heads with an AT-AT in the middle isn’t trippy), there’s this acrylic design, which costs $10.

Star Wars Yoda Ornament

Star Wars Yoda Ornament

This serious looking Yoda Christmas tree ornament costs $7, and will make you feel like you aren’t trying hard enough.

Mini Star Wars Themed Ornament

Star Wars Themed Ornament

For more of an 8-bit kind of look, these mini ornaments might be the best thing to make your Christmas tree look great and fill up with Star Wars holiday spirit. Buy them for $4.

Stormtrooper Ornaments

Star Wars Stormtrooper Ornaments

Even Stormtroopers deserve a place on the Christmas tree, even if they have no personality, none that we know of at least. Buy it for $10.

BB-8 Sketchbook Ornament – Star Wars

BB-8 Sketchbook Ornament - Star Wars

One of the more impressive ornaments, Star Wars themed or not, you can get for Christmas. It’s a fully sculptured hand painted figural ornament. You can get it for $24.49.

Hallmark Star Wars Storm Trooper Christmas Ornament

Star Wars Storm Trooper Christmas OrnamentThis Stormtrooper Christmas tree ornament by Hallmark is perfect for Star Wars fan, and gives the sense of someone being on guard and vigil during the holidays. Get it for $14.99

Darth Vader Sketchbook Ornament – Star Wars

Darth Vader Sketchbook Ornament - Star Wars

Just like the BB8, this is one of the more animated and live-looking Star Wars ornaments, with Vader using the force while swinging his lightsaber looking pretty rad. Get it for $14.85.

Hallmark Star Wars Yoda Christmas Ornament

Star Wars Yoda Christmas Ornament

Some people don’t want action. They prefer the serene, calm influence of someone like Yoda, who is as badass as they come, only he doesn’t look it. Get it for $15.92.

Hallmark Star Wars Special Edition Resin Ornaments

Hallmark Star Wars Special Edition Resin Ornaments

These Resin ornaments by Thinkgeek are about the droids (R2-D2 and C-3PO) or the Siths – Darth Vader and Kylo Ren. You decide what kind of vibe you want to set. Get each for $5.99.

Star Wars ornament

Star Wars ornament

When you have a hard time deciding which character you want to go with, maybe something more general that simply says ‘Star Wars’ is the way to go. Get this ‘Golden Snitch’ looking ornament for $12.

For more Star Wars related stories check out the DIY AT-AT cable organizer & card case, and the Most Expensive Star Wars LEGO Sets