Animation is the talk of the day and ever since James Cameron’s AVATAR came out, the animation touched new heights with never seen before effects that were produced in the film, using animation. Little wonder, many enthusiasts will like to try their hands on, but we know it is not a child’s game. Well, actually it it. Enters the Anime Studio, which will let kids (nope, no bar to adult enthusiasts) create their own animated film. Surely, it sounds crazy but that’s true, at a smaller scale, albeit.
The Anime studio will let you record a video at the rate of 4 frames per second and with the mix of your intuition and creative ideas, you might come out with something, lets say an Advertisement! Did anybody hear the coins ringing? The device features a camera on the very top, which is used for the purpose and is quite flexible in as much as it can be rotated at fixed levels to suit the presentation. Your work is saved on the memory card capable of holding 1Gb of your video art.
Lets discuss how to use this one. Keeping the potential users (apparently, children) of the product in mind, the developer has put a very easy to use interface on the device. You are required to put the subject on the platform, adjust the camera and you are on the Go. Start recording the film, by keeping the subjects variable. Change the subject at regular intervals to instill fun and message into your film. Subjects are nothing but the star cast of your film. Be it an image, a toy, or any other household item that deserves a place in your film.
Fairly enough, nothing as creative as that comes cheap. Likewise, the Anime Studio also has cost attached to it, which is 19,900 Yens, that is approx. 224 US Dollars.
Taste more creative ideas transformed into products in, the unofficial Apple clock and Coffee Mugs.
Via FanBoy