Designer Baby Bedding Takes Care of Your Baby for You

If you are the kind of person who finds it difficult to take care of a baby and would like some time for yourself, you may consider getting yourself the Designer Baby Bedding, aka, Suima crib, which does many things that a human parent can do. The crib can make sure the baby does not fall out, and the baby cry sensor is activated when the baby starts to whine. The sensor assists the crib to rock your baby until he/she falls asleep again.

The crib can even mimic a human parent’s arm movements while rocking the infant. With a remote control, a safety net, and a stopper thrown in, you would never have to worry about leaving your infant alone if you need to dash down to the supermarket. However, make sure you do not leave your child for too long with this robotic crib.


The Suima crib costs $4,500 to $5,500. If you want, you could rent the crib for a month at $100. If you are doubtful about when is the right time to have sex if you are pregnant, you can check out the Fertility Help. The Pregnancy Watch is a new gadget worth giving a look too.

Via: SlipperyBrick