Animated Emoticons LED Lights for Drivers


The Animated Emoticons LED Lights for drivers definitely has the thing to sooth frayed nerves on highways, freeways and driveways. People always say that one should let loose your emotions once in a while and so Technology had its own of working on this suggestion. With a choice of 5 basic emotions, this gadget has to be stationed inside of the rear car window using a power suction cup. A remote control lets you decide on what emotion you want to  convey to people behind you. Well, sour driving experiences is something that every car owner must have experienced so I was wondering if this gadget could shove up a middle finger too.

Your LED Emoticons would be juiced up by 4 AA Batteries and is available at for as little as $35. If you like this one, also check out the Internet Emoticon Pad which is a dedicated emoticon keyboard.
