The Apollo iPhone Sound Dock The Next Gen Speaker To Fulfill Your Space Fascination

You might have seen several docks for iPhone and iPod in the market but I am sure this Apollo Sound dock will must inspired you with its design only, even without seeing its technical abilities. Actually this Speaker dock design inspired by the shape of the space ship i.e. Sputnik Saturn V, on Apollo 10 rocket to use for carrying the human beings to the outer space.


Its really an excellent design created by  Timur Pinar, any word of appreciation would be smaller comparative to his excellence in this design. This embodiment of speaker system accomplished the full Sonic immersion with three potent speakers. The power button at the top of this speaker system flashes out a gentle blue light when you pressed it.

It has a remote control too just at the right side of the device. To take out the remote you have to push a button at side and the housing with remote will come out. The height of the complete speaker dock is 170 mm and the dial on the bottom face is 200 mm giving the most stylish, cool and clean looking speaker dock.

I am sure that it will be an excellent addition to your iPhone & iPod because it itself is a mini home theater and its ear blasting sound makes the combo of both , the perfect portable stereo system for parties and stuff. I hope they will launch it as soon as possible because these things get approved at first site.

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