Assassin’s Creed ‘Ezio Trilogy’ Comes Exclusively To PS3

Experience the adventures of Ezio Auditore in a collection coming only to the PlayStation 3 in November.

Assassins Creed 2 Ezio image


That awesome white hoodie, and no doubt, those hidden wrist blades. Florentine nobleman and secret member of the Assassin Order, Ezio Auditore, has silently crept his way – in traditional assassin fashion, of course – to top of notable great protagonists of late.

When it comes to the leading men/women of videogame-dom, I can totally see him alongside the likes of Solid Snake, Nathan Drake, or Samus Aran. Which, is naturally why Electronic Arts’ is giving him his own specially packaged collection, arriving as a PlayStation 3 exclusive this November 14.

Dubbed, but what else, the Assassin’s Creed Ezio Trilogy, the $39.99USD bundle will pack all of the PS3 games the deadly Italian assassin has starred in thus far: Assassin’s Creed 2, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, and Assassin’s Creed Revelations. That’s a lot of ass… assassin’s I mean.

Assassin's Creed Ezio Trilogy PS3 box image

The bundle also comes with all of the corresponding DLC (all of it) for Assassin’s Creed 2 just in case you were worried EA would nickel-and-dime. So, no worries there friend.

Reasonably, the collection doesn’t make that much sense for those who have already played through those games front-to-back, but for newbs just getting into the series in perpetration for Assassin’s Creed III on October 30, it sounds like a perfectly good no-brainer.

Yes, I know AC3 comes out a month before this collection, defeating the whole purpose of what I’ve described right above, but I mean, you could wait. Yeah, and fill that time by reading all the sa-weet nerdy news on Walyou. Awesome things such as this mechanical Donkey Kong game or a unbelievably cool Buzz Lightyear costume made entirely from balloons. You’re welcome!