A Flight Simulation Package for your Home

Imagine strapping yourself to the pilot seat with a High Definition screen in front of you and taking flight.

There are many flight simulation games available but a chair and package built directly for these games is wonderful. The HotSeats 723 – Flight Simulator TRX Game Chair…by Game Chairs brings your flight simulation to a new ground.

This gaming chair includes everything for your test and continuing flights. A 1.8 GHZ gaming PC is provided, along with a 23″ High Definition LCD Screen, Dolby digital speakers and subwoofer, wireless mouse and keyboard and even a drink holder for those long flights. The seat of this chair is adjustable, and there is the ability to connect 3 electronics to it such as a DVD player, PS3, Wii, or Xbox.


At $5635 the price is a bit high but is somewhat fair, considering that it is an entire package from the ground up. Tech Specs and additional images can be found at the products page and here.

For the Flight Simulators Die Hard fans, this may be a complete new gaming experience.

Via: Geekologie