Manga Face Generator

If you want a Face Generator to use for a great display picture, Faceyourmanga is a great choice. You can sport it on any of the many social networking platforms you are a member of, and it is up to you how close you can come to depict yourself in a self made picture. You can visit them at .

When you arrive at their site, you will be prompted to select and create an image of either a male or female. From here on you can make many changes you want in order to create a Manga picture that resembles you personally: change the shape of your face, the color of your skin, the shape of your eyes, ears, nose and even eyebrows.

Guys can also add various types of beards and sideburns available that could look exactly like you, or completely different. As you select changes, the changes would display immediately for you to see the results.

Girls can also have a lot of fun creating Manga profiles pictures that resemble them. The eyebrows, eyes, hair, nose, lips are girlish this time around and are also provided different accessories: necklaces, earrings, piercings, glasses and even tattoos.

You can try it out for yourself and see how close you can come to create a true Manga looking picture of yourself. This great Easy Face Generator is a lot of fun and also provides another view of what you would look like as a Manga figure.