Lego Creations: A Safe with Lego Mindstorms

This is just a beautiful Lego Creation using the Lego Mindstorms. It is an Operational Safe made out of Lego Bricks with the Mindstorms to keep things hidden and locked, closed behind a numbered code.

This Lego Safe is great in many ways. First of all, the image doesn’t really show the true size of this safe, including its hefty weight of 14 pounds (approx 6.5 Kilograms). Moreover, it has a motion detector on it, if someone tries to move it anywhere. In addition, since it requires a combination of 5 digits (double digits), then it has over 305 billion possible combinations. Wow! This safe is a hell of a way for Lego to make a stand.


Other great Mindstorm Lego Creations worth mentioning are the Rubik’s Cube Solving Robot and the Lego Mindstorms Motorcycle. You can watch the Lego Safe in action right below.

Via: SlipperyBrick