Nintendo Punch Out Game Remake

This is a hilarious Nintendo Punch Out Game Remake asking the question…’what if Little Mac returned to the ring?’.

A wonderful parody (or sequel) of the classic Nintendo Punch Out game revisiting some of the Ninendo Characters we loved back in the Mike Tyson’s Punch Out video game.


The story is as follows: The beloved boxer, Little Mac, was beaten by the Sandman and wants to make a comeback. On the way, he has to go through the same training ordeal, meet some familiar Nintendo Characters from the Punch Out Game, and it is all done with ‘real’ actors.

This Nintendo Parody by Team Awesome is a pretty funny one that also superimposes the actors to some of the video game’s familiar background. It continues with great talks between the boxers, revisits old pals, and gives the story behind Little Mac.

Thanks Matt Kraft for the link.