Is Opera 10.0 Alpha the strong competitor for the browser king Firefox? if you are on the Internet planet for at least a month, you know the answer is Opera. With its neatly finished look and appealing visual design with security, the Opera 10.0 Team released its first Alpha version delivering a variety of improvements.
This version is an immediate successor of Opera 9.6. Although Opera failed to announce a time table about the standard version of Opera 10.0 we hope that it would be undoubtedly in 2009. Versions by version instead of minor improvements, Opera always make sure to have huge improvements on its every release. This time Opera released the fixes for several known issues including crashes.
Espen Sand, a member of the Opera desktop team found an issue which prevent the user to rely on Auto Update feature. For that to work we need to enable the “Download All Snapshots” setting (opera:config#AutoUpdate).
The cool news is that starting from the Opera 10.0 Alpha version, it is powered by a new rendering engine named Presto 2.2.
It includes all languages, but not all are fully complete.
Now the spell checking works on content editable elements.
Switching between HTML and plain text mail composition works better now
Added option to double click a tab to close is now available (opera:config#UserPrefs|DoubleclicktoCloseTab).
Fixed crash when un-deleting and running a widget
Improved stability in the search engine which indexes web pages and mail”.
Opera 10 is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. Use the below provided links based on your OS.
Opera 10.0 Alpha for Windows can be downloaded here.
Opera 10.0 Alpha for Mac Os X can be downloaded here.
Opera 10.0 Alpha for Linux can be downloaded here.