Walyou Weekly Post Roundup 7

This week was a busy one for all of us in Walyou, the rest of the Blogsphere, and also for a new United States President…Barack Obama. During these past seven days, we saw great Barack Obama Posts, spy gadgets, artwork, new designs, the best of George W. Bush, Back to the Future Lego Creation, Video Game Shoes and more.

Without rambling too much, here is the seventh Walyou weekly Post Roundup…hope you enjoy it. If you feel you run by other posts that will fit in these roundups, please do us a favor and share them by sending a quick email to contact@walyou.com.


How To Make a President Barack Obama 3D Cube

Barack Obama Action Hero Figurines

Street Fighter Character Art

Barack Obama Look Alike Spy Belt Buckle

Geekiest Math Clock in the World

Camera Sock Art Doesn’t Stink

How To Make Lego Pixel Art

Floppy Disk CD Cover Gadget Design

Quirky Obama Merch from the Inauguration Live on the Scene

Polygon Man

How Books Can Help Create Icons

Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads

Star Wars R2D2 Sports Bottle

Folding Bike Bag

Legobama Sworn In

iPod Touch Mounted on M110 Sniper Rifle

Lego Transformer Barricade

Thom Yorke’s Grammy Commercial Celebrates The Music that Makes Him

George Bush’s Doodle During Obama’s Speech

Casecrave: Mac and Microsoft Love Edition

Music Drop MP3 Player Concept