Steampunk Art Guitar is Rocking with Antiques

Mark Dalzell has created a Steampunk Art guitar for the Jersey City Artists Studio Tour. Called the Organum Insolitus, the steampunk guitar is insolently pre-modern in nature and is cool enough for a rock star pretending to be from the Victorian age. The Organum Insolitus comes with Fresnel lens magnifier, onboard phaser and a TV.

However, I fail to understand how you would use the TV. The steampunk nature of the guitar is exhibited through its elaborate brass and wood styling and the clockwork, which adds to the industrial revolution feel. The guitar could also be connected to an external amp to rock the neighborhood. The Organum Insolitus would definitely please all the Goth fans out there.


If you were looking for other interesting guitar based products, you really must check out the Guitar Boat we featured many months ago. Or maybe you must read about the Tesla Coils Guitar Amps.

Via: Gizmowatch