Wooden Amazon Kindle is Great as Fire Wood


The Amazon Kindle is a great E Reading device in itself, but with its popularity, it has finally provided a kind of modification…wooden Kindle.

This specific Kindle provide sonly one static page and does not have any of the great features such as storage, text to speech technology, wireless connectivity and the rest. It is simply a cool laser cutting project that made a wooden replica of the famous Kindle.


Why would someone do such a thing? Beats me. Maybe they are short on fire wood, maybe they love the Amazon Kindle like there is no tomorrow, or perhaps they were looking to use the laser cutter and weren’t able to think of other worthy models to create. Still, it turned out pretty damn cool and has a few benefits: battery never running out, scratch resistant screen, and a lot cheaper than the Kindle DX.

Via: Cockeyed Via: EvilMadScientist