Detect Metal Objects with your sandals

If you have ever watched a James Bond movie and were hoping and praying that that one day you too could own a gadget as cool and stylish as any of the gizmos featured in the movie, then your prayers have been answered. Well, maybe it isn’t exactly stylish, but I’m not sure that anybody would really care about that if you show them how handy this item is. Aimed at coin shooting junkies, secret beach combers or just people who like nifty gadgets, the awesome Metal Detecting Sandals are now for sale at
Hammacher Schlemmer.


Priced at $60, these sandals are your perfect companion for your day at the beach (they would be if you liked hunting for metal). The device uses beat frequency oscillation technology to create a magnetic field that is powerful enough to detect metallic objects up to 2ft under your feet. When any metal is detected, a red light flashes on the battery-pack (the little black box attached to the calf), in addition, you can program the device to either produce an audible buzz or a gentle vibrating alert. What’s more, these sandals are extremely comfortable, being equipped with polyurethane foam footbeds and non-skid soles and they even come in a range of sizes for both men and women.


Via: Techchee