Easily Jump Start Your Car Right From Your Cigarette Adapter!

Your hatred against those wretched batteries is clearly noticeable when they go dead right in the middle of a high spirited ride and even more so when you are trying to woo someone, am I right? Then, the tedious task of stopping someone, asking for their help (notice – only good Samaritans help, though), going under the hood and jump starting your car. All this surely makes us quite despondent, don’t you agree?

jump start car gadget

No more! the Easy Quick Jumper has arrived for your rescue. This small but cool gadget makes sure to remove the hassles of bulky wires, and going under the bonnet – which literally removes the hell out of a newbie (my experience – you simply don’t understand what the hell to do?).


Basically speaking, you just gotta connect one end of the gadget to your cigarette adapter and the other end to some other car’s cigarette adapter and breathe a sigh of relief………..huh! The tough job’s done; on racing the other car, your car will jump start. A LED indicator on the device shows the charging progress. Jump starting your may never had been such an easy work. Also, this makes sure that jump starting is many fold times safer as compared to the traditional process.

easily jump start your car

Available for a reasonable sum of $26, this car gadget, which comes with an 18 ft long wire, is up for grabs from its creators, Wagan on Vat19. If you don’t mind digging deeper in to your pockets than you may also try the advanced version of this stuff, which also removes the need of another car.

For other cool gadgets that utilize the car lighter, check out the Car Lighter USB port or the Coffee Cup car lighter charger.

Vat19 Via: Ohgizmo Via: RedFerret