Unlock the iPhone 3GS with Ultrasn0w Jailbreak

unlock iphone 3gs with ultrasnow

iPhone 3G S was unveiled many weeks ago but when the last redsn0w and ultrasn0w jailbreaks were announced, they were only for the previous versions of the iPhone, and this had disappointed many new iPhone 3G S users who had to stick to the plan that AT&T forces upon them.

Now, the iPhone DevTeam (link below for instructions and details) has announced that these previous versions of redsn0w and ultrasn0w are compatible with iPhone 3G S too along with the other platforms. To make matters more exciting, saurik has launched 3GS compatible versions of MobileSubstrate and Winterboard which help you to use many add-ons and themes on iPhone 3G S.


iphone 3gs unlock with ultrasnow

The updated versions of the jailbreak would be of immense help to existing users of the iPhone 3G S. However, if you plan to buy a 3G S newly, you can’t really rest assured that these jailbreaks would work in the future even. You would have to stay away from stock Apple IPSWs as upgrading ones basebands could lead to the non-functioning of the iPhones itself and Apple is getting really clever at this. The latest redsn0w update is the first one that also works with Linux.

The prospects of jailbreaking an existing iPhone 3G S safely is quite bright but you would just need to be extra vigilant and follow the instructions give on the iPhone development block. You could also learn How to Unlock an iPhone, about which we had written earlier. Perhaps, you would like to read about how you could successfully carryout an iPhone 3GS Jailbreak.

Via: iPhone DevTeam