Retro iPhone Case Cassette Tapes Take You Back In Time

retro iphone case cassette tape

Of all the cool iPhone cases and sleeves that I could get my hands upon, this retro iPhone case, which has been made to look like an 80’s styled cassette tape surely takes the crown. The hard plastic back cover made by Agent 18, is surely something geeky, but it doesn’t falls short in providing proper functionality, i.e. protect your prized possession, your iPhone. With a properly placed aperture for the camera, and a geeky artistic cover surface, this one piece will definitely grab some iBalls (no pun intended… the meaning taken should be the good one :)).

Available for a price of $30, it is worth the same as any other iPhone sleeve or case as offered by Apple, only this time, the manufacturer is not Apple, but A18. Although, not as delicious in looks as the Bacon iPhone sleeve or the Pop Tart iPhone sleeve, this retro stuff has a charm of its own and the “mix it up” mixtape of summer 2009 quite efficiently
