The Longest Beard, the Big Lebowski, Hilter Hates iTunes [Random Roundup]

Another cool Random Roundup at Walyou which includes the Longest Beard, funny Hitler iTunes, cool art of the Big Lebowski, Edible Pacman, Star Wars Boba Fett iPhone Sleeve, Geeky Cupcakes and much more fun stuff.

Keep sending ideas and tips to and have a great weekend!

big lebowski artwork 8 bit


Enjoy the Roundup!

Cool Posts from around the Web:

1. Hitler Hates iTunes

2. Gotta Eat Em All!: More Geeky Cupcakes

3. Steering Wheel for Racing fun on iPhone

4. Wednesday Geeky Pics: Edible Pacman

5. 8 Bit Lebowski Art

6. 15 Da Vinci War Machines

7. Felt Star Wars Boba Fett iPhone Case

8. Run for Your Lives, It’s Giant Children? by Dmitriy Sklyarenko

9.  The Longest Way 1.0 – One Year Walk/Beard Time Lapse by Christoph Rehage

10. 6 Ways to Use Your Video Game Skills at the Office

11. Web Site Calls for Death of Internet Explorer 6

12. Fiendish Japanese Pocket Puzzle