The Neon Genesis Evangelion is a series of Anime stories which are owned and marketed by Gainax, which have an apocalyptic theme and the stories revolve around monstrous being called Angels and Evangelions, which are mechas.
They are piloted by select teenagers and Ayanami Ray is one of the leading Anime girls there. Here is an amazing and very fashionable action figure of Ayanami Ray. Even her action figure brandishes the trademark Lance of Longinus and removable plug suits. The doll has been created by a Korean company named Cheonsang Cheonha and is being marketed by Japanese Jun Planning.
Unique face makeup, outfit and accessories, a trading card, and a doll stand are what you get when you buy this amazing one foot doll, and also include the character’s biography. In the biography, you could read about Ayanami Rei’s age, family profile, hobbies, personality and much other invaluable information. These dolls or action figures are being called Pullip, which means “young leaf” in Korean and can open and close their eyes and also turn their heads from right to left and the other way back.
All these Pullips are manufactured, designed and marketed under the supervision of GAINAX and you could be quite sure that you are getting the real deal when you buy these fashion dolls. The Ayanami Rei fashion doll costs $119.99 and is worth buying if you are an Anime fan. We had written about a similar fashion doll, which belonged to the character of Asuka Langley from Evangelion too. You might want to check that out as well and also the Manga Gadgets.