DJ Mouse by DJ Tech May Be Your First Step Towards Becoming a DJ

Mixing music has always been the passion for many people out there who got introduced to the musical world of the DJs, but sadly many of them get caught up in the wrong jobs and end up saying a good bye to their love. Some are just plain unlucky since they neither get the right opportunities nor the correct kind of DJ equipment. But all those broken hearts can now put a Band-Aid of hope on their scars and say hello to the DJ mouse, a mouse that lets you to mix music while you go on with your general work schedule similar to the DJ iPod.

dj mouse dj tech

The creation of DJ Tech, the DJ Mouse comes with an aluminum feel body design and all the major features of a standard DJ music mixer. The mouse comes with both the “jog” and “scroll” wheel that allow the user to mix music while scrolling through the company’s spreadsheet at the same time. In addition to the normal left and right click buttons functions, they serve as Cue Play Loop and Cue In Loop Hold respectively. And one must not forget the most outstanding feature of the whole mouse, the highlighted SCRATCH button, and like any real one it allows the users to scratch MP3 in realtime using a special bundled software. Selling for just $75 (very less as compared to a standard music mixer), this mouse is sure to bring up some ODJs- the Office Disk Jockeys.


If music is not the in thing for you then you might try checking out the cool Razer Naga Mouse built specially for the gamers.

via: Gizmodo