Super Mario Bros. Rubik’s Cube Design

super mario bros rubiks cube game

Super Mario Brothers game has become so popular, that it is being fashioned in many different ways away from the actual video games and as tattoos, street art and even the Rubik’s Cube.

In this Rubik’s Cube, the Super Mario World gets mixed up and changed around in a way no warp zone could even fathom. 6 different worlds come alive in the palm of your hand and allow you to mix and match until you know them all by heart as you have had to in order to beat the actual video games.


new super mario bros rubiks cube game

Unlike the previous Super Mario Brothers Rubik’s Cube, this one is not phootshopped and is available through the artists page at Etsy’s. Along with the Super Mario Bros Feet Tattoos and the Super Mario Street Art, one can practically expect the mustached hero anywhere in the real world.

cool super mario bros rubiks cube game

Etsy’s Via: GeekyGadgets