Horror Movies Pumpkin Carvings are Too Scary for the Weak Hearted

When we think of Halloween, the first things that come to mind are Trick or Treatin’, Halloween Masks and costumes, Pumpkin Carving and terrifying themes of Horror. In this newest collection, we wanted to provide a tribute to many of our favorite Horror movies by showing amazing Pumpkin Faces, Carvings and artwork that was created based on these scary and freaky films.

Update for Halloween 2010: 200 Pumpkin Carvings

There are many more Horror movies that could be added, but this list cannot go on forever…that would just be too scary. Still, there are a bunch of classic films here that many adults and children would be happy they made the list.


All artists’ credit is provided for each pumpkin, so if you want to get in touch with the maker for Pumpkin tips for a specific Horror flick…you can reach them personally.

Happy (and Scary) Halloween to Everyone!

Psycho Pumpkins

psycho shower scene pumpkin

Probably one of the most famous films ever, Psycho, the classic shower scene by LadyBugBKT brings back some scary memories, and seeing Norman Bates face and Motel again thanks to Skeptic562000 and Norbini could only make it more difficult to sleep at night.

norman bates pumpkin face

bates hotel pumpkin carving

Predator Pumpkin

predator pumpkin face

I think that this Predator pumpkin found at Toucanzoo’s Flickr is so amazing that it could scare even Predator itself. What do you think?

The Exorcist

exorcist regan pumpkin face

The Exorcist music theme still makes the hair rise on the back of my neck, and this Halloweenish pumpkin portrayal of Regan by NinjaSpinster is almost as freaky.

Pennywise from It

pennywise clown pumpkin

Although it is not an actual carving, this cool Pennywise clown Pumpkin painting by Denise A Wells is a great remake that brings Pennywise back to life.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

leatherface pumpkin face

Leatherface is one of the most scary, yet intriguing Horror characters ever, and he makes a terrifying appearance here in a well seen Pumpkin Face by OMFG Caitlin as well as the famous picture from the movie from Lauren Fiasco.

texas chainsaw massacre pumpkin

Ash from Evil Dead

army of darkness pumpkin carving

The Evil Dead trilogy, including Evil Dead 1, 2 and also the somewhat hilarious Army of Darkness are entertaining for any Horror fan. In addition, Ash was one of those heroes you could really relate to and completely respect, so it was great seeing the two new Pumpkin Carvings by Obajoo and Goob712 making their way to someone’s doorstep.

ash chainsaw pumpkin face

Pinhead Pumpkin

hellraiser pinhead pumpkin face

Pinhead from Hellraiser was a freaky looking character which I believe deserved some more actual respect, so LadyBugbkt gave it its own Pumpkin face that will glow on Halloween.

Nightmare on Elm Street Pumpkin

freddy krueger pumpkin face

Freddy Krueger may not be as scary today, for the make up in the original films wasn’t extraordinary, but the story still captivates and is a classic. Norbini made this horrific Pumpkin showing Freddy in true light with his Metal Claws Glove next to his face.

Friday the 13th

friday the 13th pumpkin face

Jason Voorhees Hockey mask by Qwertyuiop lights up the doorway in a great tribute to the Horror character that continues to return for more killing, dying and remakes.

Halloween the Movie

michale myers halloween pumpkin face

Michael Myers is back in a glowing Pumpkin from ktsaltishok that shows just enough for those familiar with the films.

Chucky from Child’s Play

child's play pumpkin face

Watching Child’s Play right now is kind of ridiculous, but when it first came out…whoa did it receive some attention; everyone wanted their own Chucky Doll…a murdering doll.

The two versions by Grantsewell and Marc Evan show us some cool Pumpkin faces that show the famous Doll out of hell in respective colors.

chucky pumpkin face


jaws pumpkin art

Not necessarily your regular Horror flick, the original Jaws movie was an amazing feat that made us afraid to go in the water. This Pumpkin carving here from BraynH at least allow us the Giant Shark without being worried…but then again, we are on land.

Classic Horror:

Frankenstein Monster and the Bride

frankenstein monster pumpkin carving

bride of frankenstein pumpkin face

Still intense even today, the Frankenstein Monster and his bride are two characters that cannot be ignored and AngelaP (Flickr) made sure of that with two great carvings, along with
second rendition by Marc Evan.

frankenstein pumpkin carving


dracula pumpkin face

Dracula is a character that receives high acclaim even today as so many children dress up like him, new Dracula remakes are released and the story still capticates as one the greatest love stories ever. Here is the classic Dracula by Kingdafy and even a cool more modern Vampire Pumpkin version of David the Vampire by ^i^heavensdarkangel2 from the cool
flick the Lost Boys.

david lost boys pumpkin


nosferatu pumpkin face

nosferatu pumpkin faces

These Nosferatu versions by pattijbennet, Duncan Creamer and Marc Evan are sending chills, but in a really good way. It still captures the eerie character, but in a cool Pumpkin art that shouldn’t be ignored.

nosferatu pumpkin carving

Night of the Living Dead

night of the living dead

A group of the Undead are seen walking around aimlessly on the face of this Pumpkin by AmandaMT.

The Mummy

the mummy pumpkin face

One cool version of the Mummy by Stryfe589 was made which is simple yet makes us appreciate the classic character.

The Wolfman

wolfman pumpkin face

With so many remakes using the Werewolf character, the classic Wolfman is still amazing for its time and story. Norbini has made a great Pumpkin Face that could be appreciated by Horror lovers.

For More cool Pumpkin Carvings, check out the huge collection of 130 Halloween Pumpkin Carvings.
