Touchscreen Game Boy Advance converted into an iPhone Case

nintendo gameboy iphone case

While talking about innovations, you have to mention this latest conversion of the Touchscreen Game Boy Advance into an iPhone case by a creative enthusiast. Done pretty innovatively, Goteking – the brain behind this creation, used some sticky material to ensure that the B button in the Game Boy Advance became the menu button for the iPhone.


The USB cable found in every touchscreen Game Boy Advance makes it easy to connect and create the iPhone experience.

Goteking used the external case to fit in the iPhone, and succeeded in giving it a completely novel look and feel by linking the phone to the USB cable below the battery.

While the external looks are like the Touchscreen Game Boy Advance, it functions like an iPhone and enables you to perform all phone functions.

So, try this modified version of the Game Boy Advance for yourself to see how well it works as your iPhone.

For some other innovative iPhone ideas, take a look at these customized iPhone covers made of wood.