Walyou Random Roundup [March 20, 2010]

Here we are again, happy to present another Walyou Random Roundup, which includes a great variety of posts from around the web we hope provide some good reading this weekend. This roundup includes posts covering Marvel Comics, Bald Head Art, Super Mario, the Real Wolverine, Evil Dead Remake, extraordinary MS Paint skills and more great stuff.

nikon camera cake design wrr

We hope you enjoy the roundup and continue to send us cool tips to contact@walyou.com.


Have a great weekend!

1. The Gamers` Ultimate IQ Test (Pretty Large Pic) (I Am Bored)

2. SUGAR RUSH! Lady Gaga, Beyonce And Michael Jackson Get Immortalized In Candy! (MTV)

3. 25 Real Life Leprechauns (Holy Taco)

4. 5 Minute Marvels Brings Families Together With All-Ages Superhero Sketching (Comics Alliance)

5. Nikon Camera Cakes Are A Peek Into Photography’s Tasty Side (GadgetHim)

6. 6. Real life Wolverine…idiot?? (The Chive)

7. Guy Goes Bald, Creates Works of Art on His Dome (Asylum)

8. Why not use Facebook to quit the nicotine (Geek With Laptop)

9. Blind Soldier Learns to ‘See’ with his Tongue (Geeky Gadgets)

10. Classic NES Super Mario and Duck Hunt Desk Clock Rocks (WiiNoob)

11. Evil Dead, in Clay, in 60 Seconds (Topless Robot)

12. You wish you had this dude’s MS Paint skills (CrunchGear)

13. Super Mario Bros. 8*8 LED (Super Level)

14. Wake Up and Smell the Tech (Maxim)

15. Street Fighter IV Survival Color Action Figures Pack a Huge Punch (PS3 Maven)