With the TV Poltergeist Authorize Your Power Over Your Friend’s TV

Are you the one who always has to sit back and watch the stupid televised sporting events that your roommate wants to see? Do you need to avenge your loss of time when those senseless sitcoms and mindless movies bored the crap out of you? Well get the TV Poltergeist and drive your friends mad by possessing their television sets.TV Poltergeist

You don’t need to sit back anymore, if there’s an annoying TV show running which your friend simply loves, use the TV poltergeist to turn the TV on and off at intervals of 5 to 20 minutes, and you can continue doing this throughout the day. All you need to do is simply hide the TV poltergeist in the same room as the television, with its LED aimed at your prey’s TV screen, there are no settings required.

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The TV Poltergeist requires 3 x AA batteries which last for months on end and it works on almost all televisions including CRT, LCD and Plasma televisions. So now, be it senseless video games, lame sports events, idiotic movies you no longer need to bear the torture.

With the Poltergeist you can control television sets in that boring social studies class in school, friends or enemies apartments, cafés, doctor’s waiting rooms, it’s always fun pissing off their secretaries, bars and any other place you can dream of. It is like a perfect prank gadget for the easy joke to play on innocent bystanders.

TV Poltergeist (3)

The TV Poltergeist is available at $12.99. So get it now and authorize your power!

I am Sure you would also want to check out Clicker Universal Remote and the Sputnik Projector.