The iPod Mini Gets A Cool Wood Makeover!

Apple’s iPod continues to be world’s favorite portable media player since it’s birth back in 2001 and after regular intervals, new and better ipods have hit the market but the wood makeover given to an iPod mini is, by far, one of the coolest.wooden ipod mini

The Wooden iPod by Jozaeh has it’s main body made up from the precious Australian red cedar; the rest of the wooden parts being carved from camphor laurel along with brass plates for enclosing the top and bottom and the screws used are also of brass.

parts of wooden ipod mini


The body of this iPod mini is comparatively larger than the traditional iPod mini to make it more durable and Jozaeh has kept the mini’s rounded edges, with the back curves slightly deeper than the front to make it even more comfortable.

ipod mini Vs Wooden ipod

For the click wheel, he shaved down a piece of the camphor laurel to around 2mm thick to get the  same desired sensitivity that he got from the original one and this iPod is not the only one to get the awesome makeover, there are wooden iTrip mod, iPod mini dock (which is a slightly larger box to house the connector and circuitry) along with a protecting case. So if you get a chance to make it yours, I’m sure you wouldn’t think twice over it, right?

wooden ipod with case

wooden ipod with itrip

wooden ipod with mini dock

Check out some more cool makeovers like the Victorian Laptop Mod or The Portable Sega Saturn Mod or The Canon’s Lens Mug that serves coffee instead of great pictures!