Now there is a 3d DLSR camera, a concept by Dean Francis

We have seen the recent spur in 3d products mainly dominated by so called next generation TVs, followed by graphic cards and other products. Now it is the turn of your digital camera to go 3d, at least in the concepts we have here.

Photographer Dean Francis has brought us a concept design of what a digital camera would be like in its 3d supported version. There is no drastic change in terms of hardware which includes only the addition of separate module to add the 3d functionality. It basically involves attaching a module to a DSLR camera to enable 3d and another module on the opposite side of the 3d module to add to comfort of holding and using it. And regarding software, do not even think about that, since we do not get to know about it in concepts, whatsoever. Right?

canon 3d mockup


We are impressed with the idea and it might very well become one of the most luxurious product to possess whenever it gets launched. Just like the nVidia’s 3d glasses that offer its users a 3d animation experience in games, provided the game has inbuilt support for this. Now that’s what I call a game-changing experience. You have to experience it to understand it.

Moreover, what is more noticeable these days is the promotions, the 3d TVs are getting and thus making a decent wave around, credit to the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2010. Viewing the Soccer on a 3d TV is a dream come true for every Soccer fan, since you can imagine kind of experience it will be. Hell yeah…. More so , when your fav player is the scorer. I can’t stop thinking about that.

Canon 3d modules

Coming back to 3d DLSR camera, it will be usable in both forms. One, as a normal DSLR camera, that is, using without attaching the 3d module and the other one, with 3d. However it remains to be seen how much it would cost, when it makes it to the market, which we are pretty sure of, within a year. Yeah… that is what I think.

You can catch the more of it in flash at the concept creator’s website.

For more on 3d products and technology, enjoy your ride on Panzerbox Cmputer case or understand you heart better with 3D heart monitoring diagram.

Via PetaPixel