iPad Cardboard Arcade Cabinet Gives you the True Arcade Experience Right in your Living Room

Apple’s released its most awaited tablet computer, the iPad on April 3, 2010 and just 2 months since it went on sale it’s sold an estimated 2 million units worldwide. Its huge LCD touch screen is to die for, especially for gamers and now to increase your gaming experience on this king of all tablet computers, here’s an iPad Arcade Cabinet Built out of nothing but Cardboard.iPad Cardboard Arcade Cabinet

Gamer Hideyoshi Moriya built this iPad arcade cabinet using nothing but cardboard and hardware and it works brilliantly, giving you the true arcade experience right in your living room. All you need to do is plug the iPad into a dock and you can then control the software with the joystick and buttons via an arduino keyboard. Isn’t it just awesome?

Of course Hideyoshi Moriya’s arcade cabinet is just a prototype but controlling games with a joystick and buttons really lifts up your mood and brings tons of excitement into playing games on the iPad, especially when  all you need to do is simply plug your iPad into a dock.

I’m sure one of these is going to be officially designed and up for sale really soon but until then you can try and recreate one of these cardboard arcade cabinets yourselves and I bet you’ll enjoy playing games a million times more. Just check out the video below with Moriya playing using the buttons and joystick to race. It’s brilliant!

Also check out the cool iPad Guitar Mod or the iBra: A Winged iPhone Sound Dock Design.