iPad Finds a Stand In The Classic Mac!

With iPhone HD becoming the talk of the town, why would other Apple Products keep silent? I recently witnessed a “creative marriage” between two of Apples products, one being the old classic Mac Computer and the other is the newly launched iPad, that has already sold about 2 million units worldwide since its launch on April 3, 2010.

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You would be surprised to know that the display of the iPad is almost the same size as the Classic’s; but the resolution (1024×768 vs 512 × 342) is exactly the double. You can easily insert the iPad into the screen space of the Mac and enjoy the vibrant color and sharp texts. Why simply focus on the resolution, iPad has other tempting features too. For example, the multi-touch and split screen, iPad tracking and the software enabled onscreen keyboard. You could also connect a normal keyboard to the iPad and start keying down your thoughts. I’m sure the iPad has the power to transform you from an iBook reader to an iBook writer.


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You could also check out few other experiments done with iPad such as the iPad Guitar Mod and the iPad cardboard arcade cabinet.

I wonder how many of you would have really preserved the old Mac, but it appears to be an amusing concept since you can view a new web world for yourself through Mac’s face.

Via: Crunchgear