REX Bionics Robotic Exoskeleton Will Help Paraplegics Walk!

REX Bionics have created an amazing Robotic Exoskeleton that shows on both videos how it can really help paraplegics walk again. The amazing videos includes a real wheelchair user, Hayden, as the demonstrator of the REX exoskeleton, simply presenting the possibility of such innovation.

REX is currently getting ready for an International launch at 2011 with a supposed price of $150,000. Not sure about any of you, but it seems like those interested may think it is a high price but will probably still consider it to be a worthwhile one to be able and walk again.


For other great robotic innovation, check out the Military Sponsored Exoskeleton Suit, the Ball Balancing Robot or the amazing Cooperative Grasping and Transport using Quadcopters.

robotic exoskeleton rex bionics image

REX Bionics Via: GizmoWatch